

Burnt Out Young Workers are Looking for Help- BOTS???
Can Bots and Meditation Help Prevent 'At-Home'endless hours worker burn out?
Global Print Sites - eCommerce in an Hour
The Global Print Sites (GPS) platform offers the fastest and least-expensive solution for setting up an online print e-commerce website for your print business. And, the platform is free.
Graphic Communications Webinars
It is a new year and you are looking for that edge as a Print Service Provider (PSP). You may even consider yourself a Marketing Service Provider (MSP). In any case, you need fresh ideas for how to drive success for your operations through optimization, remote working, and, ultimately, cost savings. For your offerings, your print shop needs to take more orders into the print workflow. That work needs to have personalization as an option and the security of tracking and reporting to ensure it is delivered. More than delivery, you also need a process that ensures billing accuracy, so none of your print shop profits stays on the table. (From
Location, Location, Location = Timing, Timing, Timing Real Estate Season is Here!
Home sales season is coming up soon. The busiest months are May, June, July, and August. These months comprise 40 % of home sales volume. Are your realtor clients prepared for this important season?
The Importance of a Resale Certificate
The Resale Certificate is essential for all small businesses. It allows you to procure product for resale free of taxes. To learn more about what a resale certifcate allows, no matter what state you are in, please take a look at the blog post here on Rent A Press. It is a good idea to take a moment and review the RAP FAQ here What are the Rent A Press (RAP) Trade Print site requirements? regarding Resale Certificates and gaining access to the low, low prices offered.
Disagreements, Good Ideas, Tough Communication

For Graphic Designers and Printers who are involved making a creative project come to life, you have the role of providing the expertise to make a given project the best it can be. Often, it requires providing suggestions, different approaches, even simple solutions just make it possible within a budget. This can lead to challenging conversations with a client, who is the Boss. They decide on the final approach. If they disagree, or are simply the non-receptive type, you need skills to do your part and provide the best work possible.

Disagreement and Point of view

Design Leading Change on the Social Front

This is a story of design leading change. The Mississippi state flag was approved in the last vote. What an amazing transition in the collective conscious of a conservative state. It demonstrates there is awareness of what was wrong and the need to ‘feel’ that history. There are many things to disagree on, and many things to admire. The design and acceptance of this state flag is one of things to admire. Kudos to the Godwin Agency in Jackson, MS.

Mississippi State flag NEW

Yard Signs for Political Campaigns- The way to Start Word of Mouth

Yard signs may seem old school, but research continues to show their effectiveness. Particularly for political candidates. Sure, general contractors, architects, plumbers and real estate agents use yard signs year-round. Political candidates concentrate a major spend in a relatively short period of time and use lots of them. This represents a valuable opportunity for small marketing agencies and printers to drive revenue when it is needed most…and that is RIGHT NOW!

Political campaign managers know that if they can get residents to put up signs for their candidate, they will get the majority of votes from that neighborhood. Retail politics at its core!

Read the research article below on just how effective yards signs can be. The clock is ticking, do not let this opportunity pass you by.

Younger Americans feel their voting weight

The boomers’ last stand
After years of elder-power, a new generation may well decide the election

Sep 6th 2020
THIS HAS been a year of the young. The protesters against racial injustice have mostly been in their 20s. The average age of demonstrators arrested since mid-June in Portland, Oregon (one of the centres of activity) was 28. The young have not suffered as much as others from covid-19 itself but were hardest hit by the response. Four-fifths of those between 18 and 29 lost a job or took a significant pay cut in April, or live in a household where that has happened. Only three-fifths of those aged 50 to 64 have experienced the same thing. Young people are the most likely to work in jobs vulnerable to closure, such as waitressing or retail.

Marketing to Millenials- The Billion Dollar Opportunity


80 million millennials comprise the largest US demographic market. Great potential for long-term value to a brand or service due to a loyalty ingrained in their psyches. Printed media is the alternative form of communication, one that lasts longer than 3.5 seconds, and has that tactile appeal. Use it to convert more sales.